The Lily Pond

Completed in the 1940’s. The original water lilies have flourished here for approximately 40 years. They are still in the original, redwood boxes from the 30’s. The lilies have never been identified. The Weston’s named them the “Bandy Lily”. Take a piece of the gardens home with you and purchase your very own Bandy Lily at the garden center!

This garden was the original rose garden with hybrid tea plantings that have long since died. It has been rehabilitated by the Weston’s. The garden includes hardy antique roses and acclimated perennial plants.

The rock work in this garden resembles the same structures at the Fort Worth Botanical Garden. Being built around the same time, it is likely that the same masons completed the rock work. Leon Bandy put an ad in the paper stating that he would hire masons for 50 cents a day. If only labor was still that cheap!