Rabbit Hill Farm Alfalfa Meal
2 lbs
3-1-2 fertilizer

Bohide Diatomaceous Earth
1.3 lbs.
Kills insects

Espoma Alfalfa Meal
3 lbs.
Bloom enhancement

Hi-Yield Bone Meal
4 lbs.
Phosphate fertilizer

Hi-Yield Cottonseed Meal
3 lbs.
Nitrogen fertilizer

Hi-Yield Soil Sulfur
4 lbs.
Fertilizer for acid loving plants

Medina Liquid Molasses
1 qt.
Quick release plant food

Natural Guard Fertilome Caterpillar Spray with BT
8 fl oz

Nature's Guide Liquid Molasses
1 qt.
Quick release plant food

Medium Orange Oil
$17.98 1 pint
$36.98 1 quart
Natural ant killer, also great house cleaner!

Serenade Garden Concentrate Disease Control
32 fl oz

Mosquito Bits
8 oz
Biological mosquito killer plus controls fungus and gnats

Soil Mender Dry Molasses
5 lbs.
Helps soil microorganisms

Soil Mender Horticultural Corn Meal
7 lbs.
Fungicide and adds Nitrogen

Triple Action Neem Oil
1 pint
Kills fungus and insects

1 lb.
Organic slug killer

Bobbex Deer Repellant

2 fl oz
Root & leaf simulator for trees and shrubs

Natural Guard Diatomaceous Earth
4 lbs.
Dry crawling insect control

Nature's Guide 20% Vinegar Weed Control
1 gal.